# রঘুনাথপুর ফাজিল ডিগ্রি মাদরাসার সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট সকলকে সাইটটি ভিজিট করার জন্য আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ জানাই # ০৮/১০/২০১৭ রোজ রবিবার থেকে মাদ্রাসার ক্লাস সকাল ৯:৩০ মিনিট থেকে ৩:৩০ মিনিট পর্যন্ত * 01/11/2017 তারিখ হতে জেডিসি পরীক্ষা-২০১৭ অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।# পঞ্চম,অষ্টম ও দশম শ্রেণির মডেল টেস্ট/নির্বাচনী পরীক্ষা-২০১৭ (সম্ভাব্য)আগামী ০৩/১০/২০১৭ তারিখ থেকে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The hare and the tortoise

One day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoiseOne day,a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoise


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